Recently, we have been trialling running a short tune-learning workshop at the beginning of each session.
This involves spending 30-40 minutes learning a new tune by ear. The idea is to increase the confidence
of the sessioners for playing tunes by ear and relying less on the music. After we have learned a tune,
we will post notes about the tune we learned here.
The tunes here should all be shown as scores. If they're not then it could be your browser doesn't support
the library used to draw the music. You can probably see the ABC notation used to generate the music. I'm
trying to add PDFs to all the music so you can download that to see the score. Alternatively, use a new browser!
Dick Gossip's is another common session tune. You'll sometimes find it played with the A and B parts reversed and it seems equal measure that people play the parts reveresed, so you'll have to be careful listening to ensure you play it the same way round as the person starting the tune! In the video I play the parts reversed, but I play the tune 3.5 times.
It's in D major, but has a nice change where the B-part starts on the subdominant chord. I've added some simple chords onto the music to give you an idea.
For fiddlers, it helps to start on an up-bow at the beginning of the tune and to try to keep more notes on the up-bow than the down. Bow down on the A and E in the first bar and slur on an up-bow the others, for example.
X: 1
T: Dick Gossip's
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
|F2 AF GFED|F2 AF GFED|cdef gecA|1 d2dc d2 AG:|2 d2 dc d2 ef||
|:gB (3BBB gBaB|gB (3BBB gfed|(3cBA eA fAeA|(3cBA ef gfef|
|gB (3BBB gBaB|gB (3BBB gfed|cdef gecA|1 d2dc d2 ef:|2 d2dc d2 AG|