Workshop Information

Recently, we have been trialling running a short tune-learning workshop at the beginning of each session. This involves spending 30-40 minutes learning a new tune by ear. The idea is to increase the confidence of the sessioners for playing tunes by ear and relying less on the music. After we have learned a tune, we will post notes about the tune we learned here.

The tunes here should all be shown as scores. If they're not then it could be your browser doesn't support the library used to draw the music. You can probably see the ABC notation used to generate the music. I'm trying to add PDFs to all the music so you can download that to see the score. Alternatively, use a new browser!

Select a date below:

2019.12.13 - Rolling In The Ryegrass (reel)

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X: 3
T: Rolling In The Ryegrass
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
ABde f2df|g2eg fedB|ABde f2df| afdf e2dB:|

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2019.11.08 - The Boy In The Boat (reel)

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X: 1
T: The Boy In The Boat
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
"D"A2AF DFAF | "G"GFEF G2FG | "D"A3d "G"B3d |1 "A"cAGE "A7"DEFG :|2 "A"cAGE "D"EDD2 ||
|:"A"cded cAAB | cAdA cAA2 | cded cAAB | cAGE "D"EDD2 |
"A"cded cAAB | cAdA cAAe | "D"f3d "A"e3d |1 "A7"cAGE "D"EDD2 :|2 "A7"cAGE DEFG ||

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2019.10.11 - Old Copperplate, The (Reel)

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T:Old Copperplate, The
|:A2EA cA~A2|aged cAFA|G2DG BG~G2|gedc BAGB|
A2EA cA~A2|aged cAAB|ABcd efga|1 aged cAGB:|2 aged cA~A2||
|:ageg a3b|aged cA~A2|gede g3a|gedc BAGB|
ageg a3b|aged cABG|ABcd efge|1 aged cA~A2:|2 aged cAGB||

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2019.09.13 - Free and Easy (reel)

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T: Free and Easy 
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
|e4 efed|cdef g2 fg|e4 efed|cABc d2 cd|
e4 efed|cdef g2 fg|a2~f2 g2 ~e2|dfec dBAG||

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2019.08.09 - (No tune this month)

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2019.07.12 - The Harp And The Shamrock (hornpipe)

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X: 1
T: The Harp And The Shamrock
R: hornpipe
C: Pat Crowley
N: Named after Pat Crowley's Parents' Pub in Kinsale, Co. Cork.
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
|:gf|"C"edBe "G"dBGB|"D"AGEF "G"G2GA |  "Em"Beed "C"e2ge|"G"dBAG "B7"A2BA|
"Em"GEED "C"E2DE|"G"GABG "D"A2gf|"C"eage "G"dBGB|"D"AGEF "G"G2:|
|:Bd|"C"e2ef g2gf|"G"eddB d2BA|"G"GABG "Am"cdec|"Em"dBAG "B7"A2 BA|
"C"GEED E2DE|"G"GABG "D"A2gf|"C"eage "G"dBGB|"D"AGEF "G"G2:|

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2019.06.14 - Patsy Geary's (slide)

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X: 1
T: Patsy Geary's
R: slide
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
A2G|:F2 A AFA|B3 A2 G|F2 A d2 e|f3 f3|
|g3 f3|efe d2 B|1A3 AFD|E3 A2G:|2 A2A f2e|d3 d2 e||
|:f2 e f2 e|f2 e fga|A2A BAF|A3 ABd|efe efe|
|efe dfa|baf afe|1 d3 d2e:|2 d3  A2G||

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2019.05.10 - Winnie Hayes' (jig)

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X: 2
T: Winnie Hayes'
R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Edor
"Em" BAF E3|"D"FED "Em"E3|BAF E3|"D"FED FGA|
"Em"BAF E3|"D"FED "Em"E2e|"C"edB ABd|"D"edB A3:||
"Em"Bcd e3|"D"fed "Em"e3|Bcd e3|"D"f3 def|
"C"g3 "D"f3|"Em"edB e2f|"C"edB ABd|"D"edB A3:||

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2019.04.12 - The Seven Stars (jig)

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X: 2
T: The Seven Stars
R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
|: "D"d2A AGF | "G"GAB "D"A2A | "G"Bcd efg | "A"fed cBA |
"D"d2A AGF | "G"GAB "D"A2A | "G"Bcd efg | "A"Adc "D"d3 :|
|: "A"efe ABA | efg "D"f3 | "A"efg "D"fed | "E"cdB "A"A2A |
"G"BGB "D"AFA | "G"BGB "D"AFA | "G"Bcd efg | "A"Adc "D"d3 :|

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2019.03.08 - The Morning Star (reel)

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X: 1
T: The Morning Star
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
"G"B3 A BGEF|"C"G2 Bd ef g2|"G"B3 A BGEF|"D"GBAF "G"G2 GA:|
"Em"Bd ef g2 ge|f2 fd edBA|"D"Bd ef g2 fg|afdf e2 ed|
"C"Bd ef g2 ge|f2 fd edBA|"Am"Bddc d3 ef| "D"g2 ga gf ed||

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2019.02.08 - The Sweetness Of Mary (strathspey)

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X: 8
T: The Sweetness Of Mary
R: strathspey
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
GA|"G"B2 (3BAG "C"E2 (3EGA|"G"B<d "C"c<e "G"d2 (3def|"C"g>fe>d "G"d>cB>c|"A"d<g B<G "D"A2 GA|
"G"B2 (3BAG "C"E2 (3EGA|"G"B<d "C"c<e "D"d2 (3def|"C"g>fe>d "G"d>cB>c|"G"d<g "D7"B<A "G"G2:|
ga|"G"b>dg<b "D"a>df<a|"C"g>fe<g "G"d2 cB|"C"e>dc>e "G"d>cB>c|"A7"d<g B<G "D7"A2 |
ga| "G"b>dg<b "D"a>df<a|"C"g>fe<g "G"d2 c<B|"C"e>dc>e "G"d>cB>c|"(G)"d<g "D7"B<A "G"G2 ||
ga|"G"b>dg<b "D"a>df<a|"C"g>fe<g "G"d2 cB|"C"e>dc>e "G"d>cB>c|"A7"d<g B<G "D7"A2 |
GA| "G"B2 (3BAG "C"E2 (3EGA|"G"B<d "C"c<e "D"d2 (3def|"C/Em"g>fe>d "G/Bm"d>cB>c|"G"d<g "D7"B<A "G"G2||

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2019.01.11 - Calum's Road (strathspey)

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X: 1
T: Calum's Road
R: strathspey
C: Donald Shaw
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
|:"D"D2 A>F "D/F#"A3A | "G"B<d d>c "D/F#"B>A F>A |"G"B2 d>E "D/F#"F2 E>D | "Em"B,<D (3DEF "A"E2 DE |
"D"F2 A>F "D/F#"A3A | "G"B<d d>c "D/F#"B>A F>A |"G"B2 d>E "D/F#"F2 E>D |1 "Em"B,<D "A"D>E "D"D4 :|2 "Em"B,<D "A"D>E "D"D2F>A ||
|: "G"B2d>c B4 | "D/F#"A>B A<E F2 A2 |"Em"B2d>c B3 A>B | "D"d2d>e "Bm"(3fed "A"(3cBA |
"G"B2d>c B4 | "D/F#"A>B A<E F2 A2 |"Em"B2 d>E "D"F2 E>D | "A"B,<D D>E "D"D4 :|

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