Workshop Information

Recently, we have been trialling running a short tune-learning workshop at the beginning of each session. This involves spending 30-40 minutes learning a new tune by ear. The idea is to increase the confidence of the sessioners for playing tunes by ear and relying less on the music. After we have learned a tune, we will post notes about the tune we learned here.

The tunes here should all be shown as scores. If they're not then it could be your browser doesn't support the library used to draw the music. You can probably see the ABC notation used to generate the music. I'm trying to add PDFs to all the music so you can download that to see the score. Alternatively, use a new browser!

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2023.07.14 - Maggie O'Ham (jig)

From the book Haand me doon da fiddle.

X: 1
T: Maggie O'Ham
R: jig
B: Haand me doon da fiddle, 1979
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Amaj
vA2(uB/c/ e2.f) | ve2(uc B3) | vA2(uB/c/ e2.c) | vB3 uE3 |\
vA2(uB/c/ e2.f) | ve2(uc BAB) | {cd}vc3 uA3 | (A3- A2)E :|
vA2uA A2A | G2G G2G | F2A E2C | B,2A, B,2C |\
(vA,B,C E2)uF | vE2(uC B,A,B,) | C3 A,3 | A,3- A,3 :|

X: 2
T: Da Foula Reel
R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Amaj
|:AAA A2f | ecB A2c | B2cA2c | A2AF2E | ABA A2f | ecB A2 c | B2 c A2c | e3E3 :|
|:fec Bce | fecB2A | a2cB2 c | A2A F2E | fec Bce | fec B2A | a2c B2c | e3E3 :|

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